Friday, October 23, 2015

Mind Control

Researchers have developed a tiny brain implant that can remotely deliver therapeutic drugs or light pulses to treat certain neurological disorders. They were also able to control certain behaviors, such as turning around in circles. Watch the video below:

I'm not sure how comfortable I am with the idea that someone could inject drugs directly into my brain or stimulate it with an LED light, but the decrease in invasiveness may be appealing to some people. What do you think?


  1. Treating certain neurological disorders I understand and support, but controlling certain behaviors, I'm not so sure. I feel like that starts to get into some sticky ethical situations. Sure turing around in circles can seem insignificant but what's next? There's always going to be people wanting to push the boundaries further and further and then what we're going to try and control a person to do god knows what. So definitely think that needs to be studied carefully and not taken advantage of.
